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Image Makeover is a full service salon and spa featuring a shoe and jewelry boutique on the upper level. Understanding how busy life can get, Image Makeover offers express services while maintaining the highest quality of service. To book your appointment call us at 416-703-0240. Questions or comments? E-mail us at

Just Relax: Do’s and Don’ts for Relaxed Hair

Just Relax: Do’s and Don’ts for Relaxed Hair

More black women than ever are relaxing their hair. But with increased versatility comes other concerns, namely dryness. To keep your locks looking lustrous Grace Tartaglia has a few do’s and don’ts for relaxed hair.

Do pick the right strength of relaxer. Grace used a mild relaxer or texturizer on our model’s hair to loosen up her curl and to give her hair body.

Do get your hair relaxed every six to eight weeks. Too much regrowth and the hair will start to break off and the roots will get too heavy.

Do condition every time you shampoo. Conditioner protects hair and prepares it for professional styling. Deep condition at least once every week and a half to strengthen the hair.


Don’t blow-dry without protection. Part hair in sections and apply a gel or cream heat-activated protector.

Don’t wash your hair more than once a week. You risk drying out your hair and causing split ends.